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As I'm writing this, I struggle with the idea of celebrating something that's about us and not about the businesses we serve. Recognized annually on the third Wednesday of October, SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE DAY is a day to celebrate and highlight the organizations, professionals and volunteers who work to transform communities and support businesses throughout the year. I've said it many times, this is YOUR chamber of commerce, not mine, not the staff's and not the City's. It belongs to the members who make it up and support it with their investment of time and money. Therefore it's worth celebrating.
THANK YOU TO ALL THE VOLUNTEERS WHO WORK WITH US EVERY YEAR! The Chamber has been in existence since 1975. Paid staff only came to be in the 2000's, but even then we accomplish much of what we do with the help of volunteers. These volunteers give hundreds of hours each year to run events, call on businesses and oversee the operations of the organization. We couldn't do it without them.
THANK YOU TO THE CITY OF GARDNER. The City continually recognizes the importance of the business community and makes an investment in the Chamber to help strengthen and grow the business community. Without the City's commitment, it would be very difficult to accomplish what we do.
THANK YOU TO THE BUSINESS COMMUNITY. This year, arguably one of the most difficult for businesses that many of us remember, businesses stuck by us. Some increased their investment, so that we could continue to serve businesses that are struggling. This enabled us to do things like provide PPE supplies (in partnership with the City of Gardner) to several hundred businesses and individuals when you couldn't buy them at stores or online. Or to provide general COVID-19 information, from how to safely reopen to accessing financial resources like PPP, EIDL, Back to Business or other grants/loans.
DeAnna, Stacy and I are so grateful to all of you that allow us to work on your behalf. As always, we're here for you when you have needs or want to celebrate something about your business. And in celebrating SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE DAY we simply ask that you tell a friend or fellow business leader about the Chamber and invite them to become part of the organization. Because together, we're better!